Friday, March 6, 2009

Do I do anything with my life?

I don nothing with my life. Not even just in Spain, but in general, I realize I do nothing productive ever. I try and think about things that I need to get done, I try to do the work that needs to get gone, but somehow I am always so easily side tracked. Two nights ago I realized that I hadn´t written in my journal at all over the last 2 weeks, so I wrote a 12page entry about the week I had spent in Galicia and Madrid. I had really wanted to keep it updated, or as updated as possible, hopefully enough to write a book!!! Maybe not though, haha, I am so unmotivated sometimes that the goals I set never actually are met. Like this book idea, will it ever be written when I get back home? Probably not, not unless someone writes it for me using my journal entries....hmm...maybe this is a whole chapter in and of itself. The unmotivation of the human race. Meh, it´ll come to me.

Spain is spainy, not much has changed in the last 8 weeks that I´ve been here other than my speaking skills improving. 11 weeks more and I´ll be home. I have some mixed feelings about this, when I add it all up its really onlike 7 weeks left, march is kind of a wash because people are coming to visit and we have another week long excursion, so by the time that spring break is over April 12th itll be like nothing. I miss home, I realize that I can live away from home and be happy and be fine, but I miss it. I miss being able to go home if I wanted. I know that I´ll miss being able to walk everywhere, and having a downtown on the street that I live on. I really love living in a city. I think that I´ll have some reverse culture shock going home, I´m going to miss the people I´ve been having a good time with here and the fact that noone speaks spanish in Hudson is kind of a let down...I have a feeling my spanish will go downhill this summer, I need to find a spanish friend! Maybe I´ll just only speak spanish to the people I know speak spanish. Hmm..whatever. It seems like its been forever, but not that long at all. I feel like last semester was a different year entirely. I feel like I love Spain, but I love the USA, something I didn´t know I loved until I wasn´t there anymore (it may actually make me a little more patriotic). I miss american chop suey. I love spanish tortilla. I love walking everywhere. I miss driving. I loved ham before I came here. I am sort of sick of it now. I am feeling rather mixed up at the moment.


  1. Hey- don't be so hard on yourself! You know how many things I've wanted to do in life that just have not materialized for some reason or other? too many to count! We are selfishly glad to see you are feeling a bit homesick! Wouldn't want you to move over there or anything! Take care!
