Monday, July 1, 2013

Summer Tracks Part II

What with this not being my full time job (unfortunately), I had to take a break the last couple of weeks from posting.  Mostly because my job was driving me nuts, but also because I hadn't had time to experience much new music.  This weekend I made the effort to do some research and find a couple of bands that I hadn't heard before and also update the Summer Tracks playlist that I have on Grooveshark (take a listen here)! 

Again, I didn't have a ton of time, but I was able to take some suggestions from friends and listen to:

The Mowgli's
Macklemore and Ryan Lewis

Though I wasn't able to do a whole lot of research on these guys, I know that I really dig all three sounds.  None of these bands are similar, at all, and that is why I like them so much.  Listening to them back to back to back made me really appreciate each one separately.  

In other news, this weekend was spent with friends that I don't see often enough and also with family whom I I will never be able to see enough of.  Saturday, the friends and I, went out in Allston and were able to do some fun exploration of the locals restaurants and bars.  I'm always hyper aware of the music in the venues that I hang out in, so it was fun to hear 3 different establishment's take on what was Saturday night music.  The first place we went to we were serenaded with some seriously rad punk music (I'm talking The Ramones, Sex Pistols, Patti Smith, etc..), then we went to a pretty normal Saturday night bar where Journey was being remixed with a Neyo song, finally we topped it off with some classic rock/nothing that could ever offend anyone at the last bar we went to. Though we weren't there for the music, I had a great time hopping from genre to genre!

I hope that everyone listens to American History Rock (School House Rock) at least once through this week, I know I will! Have a Happy 4th of July, Everyone!!

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